Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Development Blog Up and Running!

Having realized that many other Inform/RAGS game developers have been starting development blogs for their work, and, unafraid to shamelessly copy a good idea when I see one, I hastily decided to do the same.  The result is this page, where I'll be discussing Inform 7 game development in general and my games in particular.

However, while Inform 7 is my game-development platform of choice, familiarity with the language shouldn't be necessary to follow or participate in the discussion here. I don't intend this to be a terribly technical blog; for the most part, the issues considered will be questions of game design in general, not the minutia of actually coding those changes in Inform 7.  With this in mind, questions and comments of all sorts are welcome, even--perhaps especially--from those without any experience with Inform 7.