Monday, July 29, 2013

Scipio Captions Launched!

I'm excited to announce the launch of a new sister-site to Scipio Games: Scipio Captions!  While any games I complete will of course be posted here, I'm starting my very own caption blog for a more immediate release of creative energies, and hopefully your enjoyment!  Psst, don't tell the folks over at Scipio Captions, but it's also a way for me to practice my image manipulation and composition!  Games require a lot of images, and cranking out several finished images every week--whether directly related to a game or not--is a great way to toy with techniques, find awesome source material, and generally become a better illustrator all-around.  In addition, it frees up "game-creating time" for actually, you know, creating games, rather than fumbling with all that other stuff at once.

Why a separate blog?  Because I know you lot came here for games, and I'm not looking to suddenly clutter up the newsfeed with constant caption updates.  If you want to check out some of the captions I'm making (or want to submit some of your own!) come on over and join the party.  If captions aren't you thing, they'll be out of sight and out of mind.  Everybody wins!

In short:  I really look forward to sharing some cool pictures with you folks, and I hope you'll join me over at Scipio Captions to check them out.  Your comments, criticisms, observations, jokes, family recipes and gypsy curses are all welcome and encouraged.  So too are any guest submissions you'd care to cook up.  So, without further ado, here's the link.  Let's get this party started, shall we?